Though I could not make it to the NYC Props Summit this year, I did follow what was happening via the Twitter. This was the fourth such event, and Jay Duckworth, the props master at the Public Theater, seems to have outdone himself in organizing it this year.
The NY Times had a great write-up of the event: “[A]bout 50 props people… gathered on Friday night at the Public Theater for an informal meeting that gave attendees a chance to network, watch demonstrations and exchange insider tips on the latest techniques in an area of theatrical design that often goes unnoticed and unheralded.” The article contains much more information and a great slideshow of photographs.
One of the main events was a talk and demonstration by the owners and employees of The Specialists (formerly known as “Weapons Specialists”), a prop rental and fabrication house just a few blocks from The Public Theater known for supplying guns, weapons and custom effects to many of the film and television shows that are produced in NYC.
#propsummit Nigel says always treat a gun as if it is loaded. Never put your finger near the trigger until your ready to fire.
— Stage Directions (@stagedirections) September 8, 2012
The guys at the Specialists described weapons safety while demonstrating and presenting a variety of the weapons they offer. Everything from rubber guns to blood knives was on display here.
The informal meeting and greeting that happened throughout the night made up the bulk of the event. It was a chance for prop makers to meet prop masters, for prop directors from different theatres to meet each other and for everyone to catch up on what was happening within our community. Props can be a lonely career at times, and it is helpful to learn that others share your woes with demanding directors, absent designers and strange glares as you walk down the street with a bag full of questionable items.
#propsummit Lots of recent graduates meeting the old pros. Some of them didn't know in the early days we used Polaroids for props shopping.
— Stage Directions (@stagedirections) September 8, 2012
The evening was also a chance to share new resources, tools and materials:
Here's a link to the website for the My Measure and Dimensions app. Available for iOS and Android. #propsummit
— Stage Directions (@stagedirections) September 8, 2012
#propsummit the computer program inflo has a point of sale info built into it. Someone suggested using it for photo records for stock.
— Stage Directions (@stagedirections) September 8, 2012
Jay also pre-ordered a copy of my book to give away as a door prize, so I cannot give up the opportunity for a bit of self-promotion here:
#propsummit Chris Fields Won Eric Harts new Prop Builders book that will be out this February. Sara and I and I are cleaning up.
— Stage Directions (@stagedirections) September 8, 2012
Next year’s event promises to be just as exciting. It will be happening around the same time of year (late August/early September), so you can plan ahead a bit if you are interested in attending.
how does one get involved with the NYC Props Summit?
Hi Shane,
There’s a Facebook group you can join; that should have information for next year’s summit.
Thanks Eric! I love the FX knives and screwdriver. Those guys do great work.
that link would not work, nor could i search for it. is there another way to join?
Sorry, Shane, I didn’t realize the group was not publicly viewable. You can contact Jay Duckworth about joining the group:!contact/c1kcz
thank you for the great write up, you and Natalie were missed greatly this year. I have adjusted the Props Summit page on Facebook making it so that anyone can view and join. Shane we would love for you to join, and we look forward to seeing you next year.
Thanks Eric and Jay! I look forward to next year!!