Hey, everybody. I’m going to be running my very first contest!

Specter Studios is a props, costumes and mask shop out of Pittsburgh, PA. Their theatrical props include a number of soft foam and latex weapons, such as the baseball bat above. It looks real, but you can beat people over the head with it. For theatre, of course. It’s the prize of this contest here.
Specter Studios is a bit different from those pop-up Halloween stores you see every year. They employ a number of local artists to make all of their products. You can actually see photos and bios of them at the website. Their Facebook page has even more behind-the-scenes photographs.
So what do you have to do to win? Simple, just leave a comment at this blog post saying what play, movie or TV show would be improved by the addition of this foam bat. If you follow the blog by email or through RSS, be sure to visit the website itself to leave your comment. Creativity is key, here. The contest will remain open until 11:59pm on Thursday, May 24, and I will announce the winner on the blog that Friday morning.
(The baseball bat can only be shipped to the Continental US, so the winner will have to provide a US address for the prize to be shipped to.)
I, personally, think Pride and Prejudice would be greatly improved if all the sisters had foam baseball bats. But I am ineligible for my own contest.
I think it would be great if the two old ladies in Arsenic and Old Lace had bats to beat people with the entire play between their witty banter.
For Christina Crawford in “Mommy Dearest.”
I believe “the English Patient” could have been improved if the nurse who found him after the plane crash, would have used the baseball bat to club him to death in the beginning, and relieved ALL of us out of our misery!
I also believe along with Harold and Kumar (I believe), that most movies could be improved with the addition of a lesbian love scene. Kind of on the line of “The Black Swan”, which by the way, is the name of our local Pub when I was 18-21 in England.
2001: A Space Odyssey – the man/ape uses the baseball bat and instead of weapons, mankind evolves to settle their differences thru a series of world wide baseball games.
or the bat could be Rosebud in Citizen Kane (Rosebat)
I’d have to say any opera. Just imagine the fat lady running around with that bat as she belts out her song.
I can has bazebol bat?!?
Because I DIDN’T drink the ‘Les Mis’ koolaid,… I would love to add several rubber baseball bats to the entire show….. So every time a character has a pointless solo , Colette can sneak up on them and WHACK, I am entertained!
John Proctor finds the bat in his jail cell in Act Four of The Crucible. Clearly, it came to be there from some sort of time-traveler or disruption in space and time. He manages to conceal it when he is brought out to confess. “I have given you my soul, leave me my name!” WHAP!!! Danforth down. This could turn into an Avengers-style franchise along with Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Slayer; maybe a Zombie-fighting Emily Dickinson; Paul Revere and his Ghost Horse; Edgar Allan Poe as a Harry Potter style hero. They will fight totalitarian regimes throughout American history such as the Salem Witchhunters, HUAC and the Tea Party.
As the wife of Mr. Hart, I must also declare my entry ineligible for the prize.
*walks to bookshelf*
*walks back to computer*
The execution of justice. Yes, it is supposed to be the story of real life events, but go with me on this one. When the defense introduces “The twinkie defense”, every single member of the jury pulls out a baseball bat and a terrible for you snack of some kind, and munches slowly with one hand while gripping and releasing the bat with the other hand, and stares intently at Schmidt for the rest of the proceedings.
*walks to DVD rack*
*walks back to computer*
The fifth element. Chris Tucker’s character finds a baseball bat during the hostile takeover of the luxury liner, and has his moment of glory when he bashes in the head of a mangalore and saves bruce willis’s hiney in the process. Maybe the mangalore is hiding on the mini ship they escape on, and Ruby has been protecting it like a teddy bear because it makes him feel safer since the opera, and he finally gets to use it in their escape. And he is still on the radio when he does it.
Personally, I think Thor would have benefited from a baseball bat. “BY THE HAMMER OF THOR” sounds really badass, but I feel the comical element from the comics was missing from the film. Thor could swing the baseball bat, and be even funnier by yelling “BATTER UP BITCHES” when Thor takes down in enemy in combat.
Friends……. I would beat everyone on that show because it was an awful show.
An avant-garde Titus Andronicus would be greatly improved with such bats for bludgeoning.
I think the guys in Grumpy Old Men should have these bats. Those cantankerous old men would have some fun with them.
This is one hilarious contest.
I would like to see Star Wars movies with certain characters using baseball bats in place of light sabres.
I always loved the bat beatings that people get in Scorcese movies circa Casino, but his latest ‘Hugo’ had no such violence. I would love to have seen a good deal more bats to the head in Hugo, even if only to the Automoton’s metal head.
Call me a sadist, and I would never watch this show if it did NOT involve a baseball bat, but: The Bachelorette. Or any other reality TV show. They’re old hat at the moment, and wouldn’t it be better if instead of getting given a rose, guys got whacked over the head with what looked to be a very real baseball bat?
If not that, Roger and Hammerstein’s State Fair. Wayne gets drunk, so Abel repeatedly bashes him over the head with a baseball bat. So much edgier.