It is the day you’ve all been waiting for. After two months, the winners of the Prop Building Guidebook Contest have been announced! Head on over to the official announcement page to see them. If you just want a list of the winners, here they are:
Professional Category: 1929 Bicycle – Stop Motion Animation, by Michael Jones.
Student Category: Flintlock Pistol, by Magnus Yule.
Group Category: 19th Century Barbershop Chair for Sweeney Todd, by Rachel Peterson Schmerge and Michael Jones.
Popular Vote: Chainsaw Hand, by Haley Borodine.
This contest had 81 entries from a wide spectrum of prop makers, and it was a challenge coming up with the winners. My criteria for judging was creativity, quality, and presentation. While many of the entries were very strong in one or two of these categories, the winners were equally strong in all three.
I want to thank everyone who entered. It was amazing to see how many prop makers are out there and all the crazy things you’ve built. I also wanted to thank all of you who voted; there were over 900 votes cast to decide which prop was your favorite.
Of course, thanks to Focal Press for creating and running the contest. Thanks to the companies who provided prizes as well: Rosco, Wonderflex World, Design Master, and Beacon Adhesives.
And who knows, maybe I’ll have another contest next year. What do you think?