Tag Archives: theatreface

Upcoming Events

I have just a few brief items to mention today.

First, this Friday will be our second NYC Props Summit. Our hope is for props professionals, both artisans and masters, to get together for an evening of fun and networking. Our first Props Summit was quite a success. If you wish to join in, drop me a line and I can give you further details.

Second, every week, Jacob Coakley hosts a live internet chat on the TheatreFace network. Next week, Wednesday, September 1, he will be talking with none other than Eric Hart, the person who is writing this sentence right now. Be sure to check it out from 2pm-3pm EST, and let me know if you’re having trouble joining the site.


TheatreFace is a new social networking site for theatre people. It was set up by the publishers of Stage Directions Magazine, so it’s got some oomph behind it. I joined a few months ago and it’s been growing at a phenomenal rate.

Like Facebook, you can add photos and share links and blogs. You can also talk in forums and join groups based on your interests. It has some more theatre-specific features too, such as tracking conversations on Twitter dealing with theatre. Recently, they announced that they will be producing some exclusive content for members, starting with a backstage look at Oregon Shakespeare Festival.