FordsTowel has an interesting has some tips on making stage props. Rather than a litany of construction and crafting techniques, this is a guide for what props need to do, and how you can go about doing it.
Category Archives: Useful Sites
TheatreFace is a new social networking site for theatre people. It was set up by the publishers of Stage Directions Magazine, so it’s got some oomph behind it. I joined a few months ago and it’s been growing at a phenomenal rate.
Like Facebook, you can add photos and share links and blogs. You can also talk in forums and join groups based on your interests. It has some more theatre-specific features too, such as tracking conversations on Twitter dealing with theatre. Recently, they announced that they will be producing some exclusive content for members, starting with a backstage look at Oregon Shakespeare Festival.
Technical Direction Tidbits
I found a new blog on technical direction for the blogroll. Technical Direction Tidbits is written by L. Jean Burch, a project manager at Chicago Scenic Studios. She has been working on this blog for over a year and a half now, so there’s a ton of information to be found. She has a category dedicated to props, but since there’s a lot of overlap between props and scene shops, the other categories are worth exploring too. And last Tuesday’s post was about this blog.
Another post of note is on custom printed fabric. My fiance just ran across this same company, Spoonflower, which will custom print fabric for $18 a yard. She’s been trying to find the perfect tablecloth fabric for our wedding, but has had no luck even after perusing numerous stores in NYC’s Fabric District. If we test this company, I’ll be sure to post the results, as it seems it could be very useful in the right situation.
Life of a Prop Builder

Two posts I wanted to mention from this weekend. First off:
The great Toolmonger blog has featured one of my props. I’ve been following Toolmonger for awhile; it’s updated daily with posts about tools: new tools, cheap tools, how to use tools. Pretty much anything you would want to know about tools. I’ve been meaning to add it to my blogroll on this site, so this is as good a time as any.
Second, the Houston Ballet has a blog. On Friday, they wrote about making props for Marie. It has some good photographs showing the techniques they used to make a lot of the fake food.