By now you should know about This to That, a great tool for finding out what glue to use. Well, Beacon Adhesives, makers of such prop-friendly glues as Magna-Tac and Fabri-Tac, have their own Adhesive Selection Chart.
I know I just did a post on knots, but I had to show off this hot knot diagram. It’s from a site I just discovered called Low-tech Magazine, which “refuses to assume that every problem has a high-tech solution”. How very apropos for those of us in the world of ever-shrinking prop budgets.
Dug North has started compiling a great big list of Automaton plans in one single page. Some are even free!
Finally, here’s a neat little Repair Manifesto. You can view the image in a larger size as well.
Hey Eric,
Thanks for the Beacon shout out! We have many more adhesives that have not yet been listed in our selection chart, but it’s a good start. We also have an interactive glue guide where you choose your 2 surfaces that need to be bonded, what properties you are looking for in a glue, and it spits out options. This one can be found at:
We love to get phone calls too-better to call before you glue! This to That is a great site-wish it were updated. Thanks again!
Hi Eric!
Greetings from Canada! While we’re knot-talking, I’m not sure if you have a smart phone, but some of your subscribers might appreciate a really well organized, and free ap from Colmubia Sportswear called “What Knot To Do”. It’s almost encyclopedic, and now shows step by step instructions.
Hi Karen,
Thanks for pointing me to that great site; it looks like it will come in rather handy in the future.
Thanks for pointing that out. It’s very handy.