Prop Resources Online

One of the reasons I’ve begun this blog is as a reaction to the general lack of online resources for props people. What is out there is either scattered around or inactive. I’ll be collecting whatever I can find for this blog. The following list is a good starting point for anyone seeking props information online. You can also find all these links on the side of every page here.

PropPeople Discussion Forum – This is a bulletin board for all things props. A few years ago, it was fairly active, with discussions about props education, jobs, techniques and more, written by a veritable who’s who of artisans and managers in the prop world. These days it’s fairly quiet, though still active; thankfully, you can browse through the entire archive without having to sign up, and find a wealth of information about props.

Proptology Magazine – Another apparently defunct endeavor. Still, there’s a fair amount of articles available for reading online.

Instructables – A highly active and diverse community. Users post their how-tos on any manner of DIY projects. If you’re interested in finding tutorials for new techniques, or seeing how other people build things, this is a great place to start.

Make Magazine – Another resource for the DIY community. The blog is a companion to their printed magazine; it showcases DIY projects from around the internet. Though much more technologically-oriented (robots, computer hacking, etc), it occasionally features projects of interest to props artisans.

If you know of any others, let me know. If you are a props manager or artisan, and you have a blog, website, portfolio, or you participate in any of the social networking sites, such as Instructables or Flickr, send me the link and I’ll showcase it here.